
SRHR, HIV, and Migration Programme Framework for East, Horn, and Southern Africa

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) announce the launch of its Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), HIV, and Migration Programme Framework for East, Horn, and Southern Africa (EHASA). This five-year bi-regional framework aims to address the specific challenges faced by migrants and mobile populations in accessing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services and HIV prevention, treatment, and care.

Migration is a global phenomenon, and East, Horn, and Southern Africa regions are particularly affected. The programme framework recognizes the need to ensure continuity of care along the migration continuum and to address gaps in SRHR coverage for migrants, including access to services and protection from discrimination and exploitation.

With a focus on five priority areas, this programme framework aligns with IOM's mandate and the international commitments outlined in the African Union Agenda 2063, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, among others. It also aims to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 3 on good health and well-being.

Through evidence-based research, capacity-building initiatives, and partnership development, the framework seeks to increase the availability and utilization of migrant-responsive integrated SRHR and HIV services. It also aims to strengthen the capacity of communities, local authorities, and key partners to respond effectively to the SRHR and HIV needs of migrants and host communities.

Driven by a commitment to inclusive and comprehensive healthcare, IOM's Migration Health Division will lead the implementation of this programme framework. Through its regional offices in Pretoria, South Africa, and Nairobi, Kenya, IOM has established a strong network and diverse migration health programs across the region. These programs encompass pre-migration health assessments, cross-border health referral mechanisms, emergency health services, and occupational health services for migrant workers.

IOM acknowledges the importance of collaboration and multisectoral approaches in addressing the complex challenges at the intersection of migration, SRHR, and HIV. The organization will actively work with UN partners, regional economic communities, and national stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of this programme framework.

As we launch the SRHR, HIV, and Migration Programme Framework for EHASA, IOM reaffirms its commitment to protect and promote the rights and well-being of migrants in the region. By fostering partnerships, strengthening healthcare systems, and advocating for migrant-inclusive policies, IOM aims to create a migration-friendly environment that ensures migrants have equitable access to comprehensive SRHR and HIV services.

Download the "Programme Framework for East and Horn of Africa and Southern Africa" here.


For more information contact Kit Leung