
Southern African Migration Management (SAMM) Project Making Strides in Migration Management and Human Rights Protection

The Southern African Migration Management (SAMM) project, in collaboration with various regional and international organizations, is making significant progress in enhancing migration management and protecting the human rights of migrants in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Several recent workshops, technical meetings, and capacity-building initiatives have successfully addressed key migration challenges, fostered regional cooperation, and promoted the implementation of international standards and frameworks.

The SAMM project, funded by the European Union, has been instrumental in organizing various capacity-building workshops aimed at addressing the complexities of human rights and migration management. The project has provided support to the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), The SADC, and other stakeholders committed to achieving safe, orderly, and regular migration.

One such workshop focused on protecting the human rights of migrants in the SADC region. The event, held in Cape Town, South Africa, brought together participants from 12 SADC member states, including representatives from government departments and human rights commissions. The training facilitated a mutual understanding of international migration, international law, and the relevance of human rights instruments, with a focus on maritime migration and the legal implications associated with it. The workshop was hailed as a valuable platform for knowledge sharing and regional collaboration, with diverse perspectives enriching the learning experience.

Another notable initiative was a capacity-building workshop for the migration profile of South Africa. Government officials from various departments and organizations in South Africa participated in this workshop, aiming to contribute to enhancing the capacities of officials in delivering accurate and comprehensive migration profiles. The workshop emphasized the importance of effective data collection, methodology, analysis, and dissemination to support evidence-based policymaking and development planning.

Furthermore, SAMM organized a regional workshop on bilateral labor migration agreements (BLMAs) in the SADC region. Stakeholders from SADC member states, IOM, and ILO participated in this event, which facilitated dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collaboration to manage and regulate labor migration effectively. The workshop emphasized the significance of BLMAs in ensuring the rights and welfare of migrant workers, promoting fair recruitment practices, and addressing vulnerabilities and exploitation.

The SAMM project has also played a crucial role in harmonizing migration-related data collection in the SADC region. Through technical meetings and the endorsement of the Migration Data Harmonization Roadmap, SAMM is contributing to the comparability and quality of migration statistics. The project has recommended the establishment of technical support networks, frameworks for data-sharing, and capacity-building initiatives to strengthen data collection methodologies.

These achievements reflect the ongoing commitment of SAMM and its partners to improve migration management and protect the rights of migrants in the SADC region. The project aims to continue fostering regional collaboration, enhancing capacity-building efforts, and advocating for the implementation of international standards and frameworks. SAMM recognizes the importance of coordinated and comprehensive approaches to address regional migration challenges and unlock the potential of safe, orderly, and regular migration for sustainable development.


For more information contact Tunde Omoyeni