
Namibia launches National Labour Migration Policy

Namibia launches National Labour Migration Policy

Windhoek, 10 June 2020 - The Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation, launched the long awaited National Labour Migration Policy, in collaboration with relevant ministries, Civil Society Organizations, Tertiary institutions, and United Nations (UN) Agencies, including the International Organization for Migration (IOM).  In 2016, the Republic of Namibia launched a National Migration Profile to assess the migration patterns in Namibia and collect data for evidence-based decisions. It was recommended in the profile that Namibia develops a national labour migration policy.

During the development of the policy, the ministry put together a Technical Working Group (TWG) whose aim was to develop the National Labour Migration Policy with different stakeholders. The event was attended by the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation, Hon. Uutoni Nujoma; the Deputy Minister Hon. Hafeni Ndemula, the Head of Office of IOM Namibia Ms. Florence Situmbeko, members of the TWG and Trade Unions and Workers Unions, other Senior Government Officials from different ministries, and members of various media houses.

The objective of this Policy is to ensure the sound development and implementation of a labour migration system that is suitable for Namibia, thus having a definite impact on human resource development, economic growth and decent work for all. The policy reflects on a shortage of critical skills and a mismatch of skills, as many people acquire qualifications but not necessarily for occupations where their skills are required. The Policy also aims at addressing a deficient institutional framework informing labour migration, labour immigration, labour emigration, return and reintegration; public and private employment agencies, the Namibian diaspora, remittances; human resource management, skills development and training, migration health and well-being; irregular migrants and human trafficking, refugees and asylum-seekers, social security protection of migrant workers, the regional (SADC) integration and harmonization context, and data concerns.

“IOM believes human mobility is inevitable, desirable and if well managed. It could be beneficial to national economies. It could increase bilateral trade, contribute to national development, and provide significant benefits to society. We congratulate the Government of Namibia on drafting and endorsing its National Labour Migration Policy”, said Ms. Florence Situmbeko, Head of IOM in Namibia.

Hon. Uutoni Nujoma Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation when he launched the policy stated that “Namibia is among the first Countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region to head the request, to develop a National Labour Migration Policy, as dictated by the SADC Labour Migration Action and Policy Framework”. Hon. Uutoni added that” this initiative is aimed at enhancing the understanding as well as the management of labour migration flows to, in and from Namibia”.

The policy is in alignment and cuts across most of the Objectives of the Global Compact on Migration (GCM), as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda, i.e. Goals 8, 17…add the others.

The International Organization for Migration is committed to continue to support the government and partners in taking forward initiatives on labour migration and development.

For more information, please contact Ms. Florence Situmbeko, Head of Office, IOM Namibia at