
MIDSA 2023: Promoting Regional Integration Through Safe and Orderly Migration in Southern Africa

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo – The Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa (MIDSA) Ministerial and Experts meeting took place in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the Hilton Hotel from 3rd to 6th October 2023. The event, hosted by the Dem. Rep. Of Congo as out-going Chair of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), focused on the theme of "Promoting Regional Integration Through Making Migration Safe, Regular, and Orderly in the Southern African Region." 

The Ministers adopted the 40 recommendations, also requesting the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), in collaboration with relevant United Nations (UN) Agencies and partners, in coordination with the SADC member states and the Secretariat, to develop a regional programme which will be initiated in Moshi, Tanzania. 

MIDSA has a long-standing history of achieving concrete outcomes, including progressive policies and operational recommendations towards stronger partnerships with the United Nations (UN) and Academia. Since 2010, the annual meeting has included bi-annual Ministerial meetings, with a total of 21 conferences convened between 2000 and 2023, addressing various migration issues. All MIDSA recommendations are submitted to SADC for implementation. 

The overall objective of the 2023 MIDSA technical and ministerial meeting was to contribute to "promoting regional integration through making migration safe, regular, and orderly in the Southern African Region." Since 2018, SADC Member States have been using the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) Framework to improve regional migration management cooperation. 

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During the meeting, Member States discussed the challenges faced in implementing the GCM and strategies to accelerate its implementation. They also explored ways to cascade the SADC Regional Migration Policy Framework (SADC-RMPF) to accelerate the achievement of GCM objectives. The meeting aimed to consolidate a regional perspective in preparation for the second International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) in 2026. 

Key recommendations arising from the discussions include: 

1. Streamlining reporting on the GCM and the SADC-RMPF in collaboration with the SADC Secretariat and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). 

2. Considering a joint SADC Member State pledge to advance GCM guiding principles, objectives, or actions. 

3. Submitting good practices on the implementation of the SADC-RMPF and the GCM on the Migration Network Hub. 

4. Building on the guidance developed by the UN Network on migration to advance the implementation of the SADC-RMPF and the GCM. 

The round table discussions focused on key thematic areas, including human mobility in the context of climate change, labor migration and diaspora engagement, border management and migrant protection, and strengthening data mechanisms for evidence-based migration governance in the SADC region. Each discussion highlighted specific issues, challenges, and opportunities, resulting in key recommendations for action. 

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Handing over of MIDSA chairing and hosting from the Government of D. R. Congo (R) to the Government of Angola (L) | Copyright IOM 


The MIDSA 2023 meeting reaffirmed the commitment of SADC Member States to promote regional integration through safe, regular, and orderly migration. By addressing the challenges and sharing best practices, the meeting set the stage for enhanced cooperation and collaboration in managing migration effectively in the Southern African region. 

This year’s MIDSA was made possible thanks to support to IOM from the European Union (EU) through its Southern Africa Migration Management (SAMM) project; from the United States of America (USA) through its Africa Regional Migration Program (ARMP) project; and from the Kingdom of the Netherlands through its Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and HIV (SRHR-HIV) project. 

View video coverage of MIDSA 2023 at the following links: 

For more information or media inquiries, please contact: 

Abibo Ngandu 

Regional Media & Communication, IOM Southern Africa