
Local Leaders, Civil Society Organisations, District Officials and Media in three Districts received Counter Human Trafficking Training

Local Leaders, Civil Society Organisations, District Officials and Media in three Districts received Counter Human Trafficking Training

Quthing, Mohales Hoek and Leribe District - In August 2019, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Lesotho conducted Basic Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Trainings in Quthing (7-8 August), Mohales Hoek from 14-16 August, and in Leribe districts from 20-22 August. The purpose of the trainings was to build the capacity of Border and Immigration Officials, CSOs, Local Leaders, Government Officials, and Religious Leaders to detect, and respond to human trafficking cases through sensitization and referral support to the victims of human trafficking. The trainings also initiated collaboration among relevant stakeholders at district level. Facilitation for the trainings was led by Senior Inspector, Lesotho Mounted Police Service (LMPS) and some Child Gender Protection Unit (CGPU) officers at district level who are trained by the one week training organized by IOM early this year.

A total of 174 Government officials, civil society organizations and religious Leaders attended the training. In their opening remarks, the District Administrators underscored the need set up District structures that would be more effective in dealing with human trafficking / smuggling and in enhancing the necessary linkages. They each reflected on the fragmented way in which stakeholders work and committed to leading efforts to ensure better coordination.

“As a Reverent and also a primary school teacher, I had limited understanding of Human Trafficking. Following this training and the examples of reality shared by the facilitator helped me better appreciate that this is a big problem in the country. While the current syllabus only speaks on Human Trafficking briefly, I intend to use the knowledge I now have to expand on what I share with my learners and also at church.,"said a representative of the religious leaders.

“As a Government Official, I appreciated being presented with evidence on the reality of human trafficking in this country. I also appreciate the excellent facilitation.  My knowledge has improved and this says that I have to be more alert as this is a serious problem. I will also use this knowledge to impart this information to my counterparts so we can prevent this.”  - Government Official.

“As a journalist I was not aware of the signs of Human Trafficking, I am now more alert. It is important to share this information with others so that they can also be more alert,” said one of the participants journalist.

These trainings were supported through the generous support of  the Government of Japan and its people through the project called “Counter Trafficking and Addressing Irregular Migration through Strengthening Border and Migration Management, Sensitization on TIP and Building Capacity of Law enforcement and Border Officials in Lesotho.’’


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