
Japan continue to support Lesotho’s efforts in strengthening border management and counter trafficking / smuggling

Japan continue to support Lesotho’s efforts in strengthening border management and counter trafficking / smuggling

21 May 2019– The project launch for the ‘’Counter Trafficking and Addressing Irregular Migration through Strengthening Border and Migration Management, Sensitization on Trafficking in Persons and Building Capacity of Law Enforcement and Border Officials in Lesotho.’’ was held in Maseru today chaired by Ministry of Home Affairs, attended by Lesotho Mounted Police Services, Civil Aviation Authorities, Lesotho Revenue Authority and other relevant Ministries. The project was funded by the Government of Japan and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), known as the UN Migration Agency.

IOM, in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs implemented the project aiming at Building Sustainable Peace and Promoting Human Security of Cross-border Communities and Mobile Populations through Integrated Border Security and Management and Community-based Peace-building Initiative, funded by the Government of Japan in 2018. This new project is expected to further strengthen border management and counter trafficking efforts in Lesotho, which still remains a challenge for the country.

‘’The Government of Japan funded the first project in 2018 to strengthen border and migration management and counter trafficking initiatives in Lesotho. One of the remarkable outcomes of the project was the completion of the first Immigration Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual for Immigration Department. This time, we are pleased to fund the second Project which will contribute to the professionalization and harmonization of the immigration services through Training of Trainers and thereafter the roll-out of the Immigration SOP at all borders. Furthermore, the new project will also contribute to the strengthening border management at the two key borders, namely, Moshoeshoe I International Airport and Maseru Bridge through provision of CCTV and Boomgate.’’ said Mr. Naomasa Kugimoto, representative of the Embassy of Japan based in Pretoria.


“Lesotho Mounted Police Service experiences numerous challenges regarding the investigation of Human Trafficking.  Since this crime if transnational in nature, cooperation of investigators in other countries is very vital as well as collection of relevant evidence.   Victims of this crime are usually hostile due to the fact that they do not regard it as a crime.  Counselling of victims is very important in order to make them appreciate that it is a crime as well as consider themselves as crimes. In order for counselling to be effective, the victims are supposed to be provided with shelter in a place where it will not be known to the perpetrators.  Lesotho only provides shelter for female victims of this crime.” said the Lesotho Mounted Police Service Deputy Commissioner – Criminal Investigative Division, Mr. Paseka Mokete.

 ‘’It is my honour and privilege to make a statement on this occasion of the Launch of this important project which marks a milestone in the history of the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho. I welcome this opportunity because as the Government of Lesotho. Fighting human trafficking is a key priority of various government Ministries, NGO’s, Civil Society Organizations, Development Partners as well as Social Groups hence why we are all gathered here in support of this noble gesture by the Government of Japan in collaboration with IOM.’’ said Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Francis Mokoto Hloaele.

The project aims to achieve the following results: 

(1) Migrants, in particular vulnerable youth and women in target area in South Africa and in Lesotho, to demonstrate greater readiness/willingness to avoid the risks of irregular migration, smuggling and trafficking; (2) Improve knowledge and coordination among the Child Gender Protection Unit (CGPU) staff, and train district administrators, border officials and prosecutors on counter trafficking, to facilitate the identification, investigation and referral of TIP cases; and  (3) Support the Government of Lesotho in strengthening the border and migration management in the country, with a focus on targeted ports of entries (POEs) through the provision of necessary equipment and training, document examination training and coaching, and Training of Training (TOT) for Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) implementation to the immigration department.

Effective and well-managed borders are integral to supporting trade facilitation and the mobility of cross-border traders. Border management responds to the demands of the regional free movement agenda, which includes economic integration and the protection of vulnerable groups. Border control is also a part of SDG Target 10.7 facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies. It remains central for the purposes of combating transnational crime, smuggling and trafficking, and averting security threats.

For more information, please contact: Eriko Nishimura, IOM Lesotho Head of Office -