
IOM Support to the GoZ’s Look and Learn Visit to the Philippines, Promotes Diaspora Engagement Efforts

IOM Support to the GoZ’s Look and Learn Visit to the Philippines, Promotes Diaspora Engagement Efforts

Harare – The Zimbabwe Government Diaspora Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade with support from the International Organization for Migration undertook a look and learn visit to the Philippines from 24 to 29 March 2019. The visit aimed at strengthening the national capacity of the Diaspora Department to effectively manage diaspora affairs and systematically coordinate diaspora engagement process through learning of best practice.

Over the past decades, the size of the Zimbabwean diaspora has steadily grown. It is estimated that between, 500 000 to 3 million Zimbabweans live abroad in countries such as South Africa, Botswana, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, among other destinations.

“The Government of Zimbabwe has prioritized the development of policies and initiatives aimed at engaging the Zimbabwean diaspora and actively promote their participation in economic, social and cultural development.” Said Foreign Affairs and International Trade Principal Director, Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Thando Madzvamuse.

Madzvamuse added that for the best practices and effective implementation of the diaspora policy, it was necessary that a look and learn visit be conducted to countries that have successful experience, such as the Philippines.

 “It is noted that, the Filipino Government has instituted an array of programs and services aimed at empowering and nurturing ties between permanent migrants and diaspora communities. It is in this vein, that the study tour was undertaken.” He explained.

Ambassador Enrico T. Fos, the Executive Director Office of the Undersecretary for Philippines Migrant Workers Affairs indicated that of the approximately 108 million Philippines population, about 10 million are migrants. “88 foreign missions in about 60 countries have specific mandate of preserving the national security and integrity as well as the protection of nationals abroad. The protection of nationals abroad is very key to the Foreign Service of Philippines, embassies do more than just consular services,” said Ambassador Fos.

The Government of Zimbabwe was encouraged to work on a deliberate strategy to both protect the diaspora and engage them for mutual benefit. This will in turn unlock opportunities for trust and cooperation in other areas such as investment.

Since 2009, the Government of Zimbabwe with support from IOM, has spearheaded a number of diaspora focused programmatic, policy and institutional interventions. These include the development and adoption of a National Diaspora Policy and the establishment and operationalization of a Diaspora Directorate responsible for coordinating diaspora related issues in consultation with responsible line Ministries.

The study tour was supported within the implementation frameworks of IOM Development Fund project “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Zimbabwean Diaspora Directorate for Increased Diaspora Engagement”, and the “Promoting Migration Governance in Zimbabwe” project under the 11th European Development Fund.

For more information please contact Varaidzo Mudombi at IOM Zimbabwe – telephone +263242704285 email: