
IOM, IOE, Business Advisory Group on Migration, and Business Africa Host First Consultation with Private Sector on the GCM

IOM, IOE, Business Advisory Group on Migration, and Business Africa Host First Consultation with Private Sector on the GCM

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), Business Advisory Group on Migration, Business Africa are jointly hosting the first online consultation session with the private sector in Africa today on the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).

The event brings together over 40 representatives of national business groups and human resources experts from across Africa. The aim is to collectively discuss and bring forward business recommendations to address how to best harness the opportunities on migration associated with tomorrow’s needs for skills, as well as to promote collaboration between governments and private sector on labor migration issues.

The outcomes of the session will be highlighted at the African Continental review of the GCM set to take place in July 2021, where participating countries exchange views and updates on the achievements and challenges to accomplishing GCM objectives. Regional and continental reviews will feed into the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) to be held in 2022.

“As governments are implementing the GCM, employers have a key role to play, to bring forward business recommendations to address the challenges associated with tomorrow’s needs for skills, as well as to strengthen the contribution of migration to sustainable development and economies,” said Ms. Aissata Kane, IOM’s Senior Regional Advisor for Africa.

“The private sector needs to be part of the global conversation on ways to manage and innovate migration. Indeed, the Global Compact for Migration prioritizes this engagement. At IOE, together with our over 150 member organizations, we bring the private sector views to the international level. The Africa Employers' Consultation is a vital part of our effort to ensure the business voice is part of the international dialogue, and an opportunity to build mutual understanding between all stakeholders on migration. “said Mr. Roberto Suarez-Santos, IOE Secretary General.

The GCM was adopted in December 2018 by the United Nations General Assembly and is based on a human rights and migrants-centered approach to migration that aims at balancing national sovereignty and migrant rights, regardless of their status, and promoting gender-responsive and child-sensitive migration governance.

Member States underlined the importance of engaging with all relevant stakeholders, including private sector and employers, to ensure a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach for effective implementation.

Panel discussions on the event center on enhancing availability and flexibility of pathways to regular migration, facilitating fair and ethical recruitment frameworks, and investing in skills development and promoting mutual recognition of skills and other professional credentials which are all objectives stated by GCM.

Participating in the discussion are speakers representing industry and employers' groups from Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, Lesotho, Tunisia and Uganda, as well as speakers from employment and human resources consultancies Gesper Services (Morocco), The Job Factory (Democratic Republic of Congo) and Fragomen (South Africa). Representatives from Resident Coordinators office equally presented on the importance of skills upgrading and the importance of supporting regular migration pathways.