
The Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini and IOM, officially launched a Twenty-Four months initiative to combat Trafficking in Persons in Eswatini

The Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini and IOM, officially launched a Twenty-Four months initiative to combat Trafficking in Persons in Eswatini

Mbabane, Eswatini – The United Nation (UN)  Migration Agency in Mbabane in collaboration with the Government of the Kingdom of ESwatini, through the Prime Minister’s Office officially launched a twenty-four months project titled “Strengthening coordination mechanisms to respond to Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and ensure justice and protection for all Victims of Trafficking (VoT) in Eswatini” on 21 November 2019 with support from the International Organization for Migration Development Fund (IDF).

The launch was chaired by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Eswatini and was attended by 37 participants from various Government institutions, Civil Society Organizations, international partners as well as to the UN Agencies. At the occasion, the Prime Minister emphasized that the Government’s commitment and pledge a few months ago resulted in the launch of The National Strategic Framework and Action Plan to Combat People Trafficking 2019 - 2023, which provides a guide on respective roles and responsibilities in the fight against TIP.  An important element in the implementation of this strategic framework was the prevention, identification, care and protection of Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) and how critical the launch of this project was particularly in the pillar of protection.

According to the 2019 US State Department Trafficking in Persons Report (US TIP Report), ESwatini is a country of origin and destination for children and to a lesser extent, women, trafficked for forced labour and sexual exploitation and reports indicated that victims have been identified as migrants from the Kingdom of Eswatini, Bangladesh, South Africa and Mozambique while countries of destination have been Eswatini, Mozambique and South Africa. Speaking to the participants as a guest speaker, Her Excellency Ambassador of the United States in the Kingdom of Eswatini, highlighted that this project that will be implemented in the next twenty-four months will build on the recently adopted Five-Year National Action Plan that according to her will guide Eswatini’s anti-trafficking efforts through 2023 and will ensure coordination among different stakeholders to effectively address TIP in the kingdom of Eswatini.

On behalf of IOM Regional Director for Southern Africa, the Regional Thematic Specialist for Migrant Protection, reiterated that IOM is certain that the launch and implementation of this Project will contribute to the increase in the number of cases persecuted and will also increase awareness on TIP in the communities particularly amongst the youth.  Furthermore she emphasised that this is outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Goals 1,5,8, and 10). In particular, target 10.7 which seeks to facilitate safe, orderly, regular and responsible migration, as it recognizes, realizing the benefits and full potential of migration, while at the same time addressing the negative side trafficking in persons, requires well-managed and well-governed approach to migration.


For more information, please contact: Jeremias Mendes, Head of Office IOM Eswatini -