
First IOM, Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Continental Gathering on Missing Migrants and Humanitarian Assistance to Migrants in Distress in Africa

Dakar – The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from Africa, in coordination with the UN Network on Migration, held “Red Talks” consultations in April 2024. The outcomes of these Talks will contribute to the 2024 regional review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in Africa to be held in October.

These consultations, which gathered more than 100 participants from the entire African continent, aimed at proposing actionable recommendations focused on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM)’s Objective 8, calling for coordinated international efforts on missing migrants and for the provision of humanitarian assistance to migrants in distress. Those discussions follow the work that is being pursued on global and regional levels within the UN Networks’ workstreams on missing migrants and humanitarian assistance.

With over 33,000 lives lost since the adoption of the GCM in 2018, there is an urgent need for such coordinated international efforts to address the challenges faced by migrants.

“Today, we stand united in our commitment to address this crisis. Let our discussions reinforce the actionable recommendations that will not only turn Objective 8 of the GCM into action but also breathe life into our shared promise to save lives and prevent death, disappearance, family separation, and violation of fundamental rights along the migratory journey,” said Christopher Gascon, IOM Regional Director for West and Central Africa, in his opening remarks.  

These Red Talks provide a platform for stakeholders to engage in discussions centred on the prevention and response to migrants deceased or going missing. Participants stressed the importance of more robust mechanisms for cross-border information-sharing and case management, as well as enhanced collaboration for search and rescue operations. Challenges such as lack of resources, weak legal framework implementation, and data inadequacy were underscored, along with the impact of conflict and instability of countries on migrants’ safety.

“The sessions underscored the urgent need for coordinated action at local, regional, and global levels. From enhancing search and identification efforts to providing holistic support for affected families, participants emphasized the imperative of compassion, collaboration, and innovative solutions,” stated Celine Croon, ICRC Adviser on Internal Displacement and Migration for Africa.

The Red Talks consultations also highlighted the vital role of protection in our collective efforts to protect migrants on their journey, stressing the need to proactively safeguard their fundamental rights and prevent tragedies such as death, disappearance, and family separation.

“We cannot afford to lose one more youth; we cannot afford to lose one more parent or one more child. The key recommendations we have formulated provide a roadmap for tangible progress, and our commitments must translate into tangible actions, demonstrating our responsibility to protect every migrant.” remarked Kachi Madubuko, head of UNECA Liaison and AU Special Projects Unit, IOM Special Liaison Office to the AU and UNECA in Ethiopia.

During the lively discussions, it was noted that “it is essential to implement a migration-route-based approach to enhance the coordination of humanitarian aid to migrants in distress. This involves information sharing and establishing common criteria. Equally vital is to improve access to legal and safe migration channels,” said Insa Moussa Ba Sané, IFRC Regional Migration Displacement and Migration Coordinator for Africa.

The insights gathered and set of recommendations generated from the Red Talks will contribute to the stakeholder consultation process for the upcoming 2024 GCM regional review. What has become clear: we need to stress the significance of international collaboration and coordinated efforts to save lives and support affected families in Africa.  


For more information please contact :

IFRC : Susan Nzisa Mbalu, Manager Communications, IFRC Africa Region

ICRC : Eleonore Asomani, ICRC Dakar, Tel.: (+221) 781 864 687,

IOM : Joëlle Furrer, RO Dakar,

