
Central Statistical Office Receives IT Equipment from IOM

Central Statistical Office Receives IT Equipment from IOM

Lusaka — Improving migration management at a national level has been identified as a priority for the Government of Zambia, as articulated in the country’s Seventh National Development Plan. This comes at a time when migration dynamics in the country, region and indeed globally, have become increasingly complex. Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) has requested assistance from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to strengthen its capacity to collect, analyse and utilize migration data, and ultimately to prepare a Migration Profile.

With migration being one of three key determinants of population change, adequate data is of great importance is ensuring sound policy making, planning, and good migration governance overall. Historically, a lot of investment has been channelled into collecting data on births and deaths, while migration has not featured as prominently in most data sources. However, The Government of the Republic of Zambia, with coordination efforts from Central Statistical Office and the Department of Immigration, has significantly strengthened the collection and reporting of key migration data through periodic surveys, census and administratively in 2018 and 2019, with support from IOM. Significantly this includes preparations for the country’s 2020 national census of population and housing.  

Today (27th March 2019) IOM donated 25 tablets to the Central Statistical Office, which will be used to facilitate the collection of real-time data by enumerators, including migration data indicators, which have been incorporated in the census and surveys. This is part of an IOM Development Fund initiative to support to the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) to strengthen its capacity to collect, analyse and utilize migration data, for policy making and planning.

During the handover ceremony, Ms Marianne Lane, IOM Zambia Chief of Mission, presented the tablets to Central Statistical Office Acting Director, Mr Goodson Sinyenga.: “Migration is gaining prominence nationally and beyond, as well as in the public discourse. Sound, credible data is needed to ensure effective, evidence-based dialogue, as well as good governance of migration in Zambia. This also contributes to the attainment of the targets set out in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, leaving no one behind.” Stated Ms Marianne Lane.

The Central Statistical Office expressed its gratitude to IOM. In his remarks, Acting Director CSO, Mr Goodson Sinyenga indicated that: “migration can only be reported and managed effectively when migration data capture is enhanced through modern technology. As an office we are very pleased to receive this equipment from IOM, which will go a long way in helping the Government of Zambia to deliver effectively.”

IOM Zambia is grateful to the IOM Development Fund for supporting this important initiative.

For further information, please contact Emmanuel Sinkala ( ), IOM Zambia