strategic vision

Strategic Vision 2019-2023

The Strategic Vision represents the Organization’s reflection on its needs and priorities, based on a landscape assessment of what the next decade will bring. It is also the Director General’s articulation of how IOM as an organization needs to develop over the five-year period between 2019 to 2023 – in order to meet new and emerging responsibilities. The three main pillars of the Strategic Vision are: 1) Resilience, 2) Mobility and 3) Governance.

In order to realize the priorities of the Strategic Vision, a series of regional and cross-cutting strategies are being developed, which can be found below. These strategies articulate the means through which IOM will further develop and prioritize programming, as well as strengthen as an institution. These are further complemented by IOM’s Strategic Results Framework, which will support IOM’s results-based reporting on the Vision itself, as well as overarching frameworks, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).